GitHub Repos That Should Be Starred by Every Web Developer

GitHub Repos That Should Be Starred by Every Web Developer

A list of GitHub repositories that will help you immensely with your knowledge and work-life as a programmer


4 min read

Cover Photo by Caleb White on Unsplash

I recently found out about a repo with useful content (which is my number 1) and decided to dig in and put out a list of GitHub repos that will benefit newbies and professionals. Here is my list. Do you have some favorite GitHub repo that should be on this list? Comment down below!

1. A List of Useful Resources for Front-End Developers

This GitHub repo is at the top of the list because it is a one-stop-destination for all your learning resource references.

It provides a plethora of free programming books, screencasts, podcasts, and even online video lessons of all types. If you're seeking educational content, look no further!



As the name suggests, this repo has a list of WTF examples of JavaScript that should be known by every web developer.

By knowing what they are, you can understand why they occur in the first place and thereby understand JavaScript better.


3. Awesome

Without a doubt, Awesome is the most popular repo that curates all focus areas from software development to hardware to business.

It currently has over 123,000 stars on GitHub, and one could spend days (even nights) perusing it. According to Simon Holdorf, it is a one-stop destination to learn new things and trends.


4. List of (Advanced) JavaScript Questions

This repository by Lydia Hallie provides you with a list of JavaScript questions updated regularly by Lydia herself. This repo will definitely help you prepare for your technical JS interview. Also, this repo supports 16 languages.

Going through all of them can take you hours, days or months, depending on your skill and experience.


5. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

Right now, we have the trend in the tech world to talk a lot about algorithms and that we have to know them! So, here is this fantastic repo where you can find most of them.

The really cool thing is that every algorithm is written in JavaScript and has been tested. So it is even easier for you to understand!


6. Clean Code JavaScript

This repo is inspired by the book with the same name by Uncle Bob. If you don't enjoy reading books, this repo is for you!

We all know that terrible code can function since we've all written it. It is usual to write erroneous code. Having a guide to teach you what poor code is might assist you in writing excellent code.


7. is a GitHub repo listing out free services for developers:

Developers and open-source authors now have a massive amount of services offering free tiers, but it can be hard to find them all in order to make informed decisions. This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers.

So many things are listed that I'm certain you'll find some useful software here.


8. List of Free Learning Resources

This repository has a massive 135,000 stars on GitHub and is without a doubt one of the most popular curators out there.


9. Awesome First PR Opportunities

This repository is a must-visit for web devs, especially newbie devs who have no experience in open-source projects. Contributing to open source allows you to mingle with the lovely community, share knowledge, be a better developer and maybe eventually get a good job.

A common hurdle is that things can get a bit overwhelming in the beginning. This repository lists open-source projects that are known for or currently have beginner-friendly issues that you can tackle.

You can even visit this Twitter Handle to get updates on first-timers-only GitHub issues.

10. Daily-Interview-Question

As the name suggests, this GitHub repo gives you an interview question every day, ultimately allowing you to gain some keen insights on the tech questions thrown at you during interviews.

Although this website is in Chinese, Google translate will help you.



I hope that this list of repositories is useful to all of you. If you have a favorite repo that is not on this list, please drop a comment below.

Best of luck with your endeavors!

